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Telephone Consultation 20 minutes 140 €
Telephone Consultation is an easy way to get started with your Bio-Identical Hormone Treatment, make changes to ongoing treatments and request for new prescriptions. During a telephone consultation you can:
discuss your current health situation and get all of your health related questions answered
learn about Natural Bio-identical Hormones and how a customized treatment will benefit you
discuss laboratory results
alter your treatment plan
order prescriptions
Clinic Consultation
New Appointment is recommended for all new patients. During this 1.5 hour clinic consultation Dr Paivi will give a thorough clinical examination and determine the right treatment plan for you.
New appointment is recommended for all new patients. During this 1.5 hour consultation Dr Paivi will:
thoroughly review your medical history
examine and discuss potential problem areas using a detailed symptom questionnaire
give a detailed clinical physical examination
determine the right laboratory tests for you
set up your health goals
outline a program to monitor your hormonal balance and lifestyle progress
discuss the cost range of possible treatments
New Appointment 1,5 hrs 330 €
Follow-up appointments are important for monitoring and determining the course of your treatment. All patients are advised to schedule a follow up appointment every 5 years. Yearly follow-ups at own GP/doctor are accepted.
Follow Up Consultation is recommended for Dr Paivi´s patients who have an ongoing treatment. All patients are advised to schedule a Follow Up Consultation every 5 years and yearly clinic consultations with own doctor/GP.
This 45 minute consultation is important for:
determining and monitoring the course of your ongoing treatment
making sure that you are not experiencing any concerning symptoms
reviewing and confirming that you are on the right dosages
interpretation of laboratory results, matching them with your current symptoms
adjusting your ongoing treatment plan
Follow-up Appointment 45 min 190 €
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